“Working on this book was such a joy because of my love of animals and children.”
Anita Benson Bradley
Illustrator of the beautiful animals in the
I Can Do It! Piano Book,
First Book of Christmas Songs

At four years old, Anita drew a small white lamb running down a hill. According to her grandfather, her drawing had energy and emotion. That compliment seems to be enough to launch her art career! At twelve years old, she crafted a series of mermaid paper dolls for her friends. This may have been the beginning of her interest in depicting sea life and Magical Realism!
“I don’t remember ever stopping to analyze why I chose to make artworks, but it just feels emotionally uncomfortable not to.
Drawing and painting are like scratching an itch.
In my life, it just must be done.”
Anita attended the San Francisco Art Institute in the 1960’s, then went on to earn a Bachelor’s in Art and a Double Master’s Degree in both Art History and Fine Art. After graduating, she taught in the art department at Monterey Peninsula College in Monterey, California for almost 20 years.
Now retired and living in Hawaii, Anita has worked on a number of books, including Bats by Fred Barnett, Hugo the Hippo by Ryan Benson, and three books she wrote and illustrated herself called Watercolor Fish of Hawaii, Mermaid Tails, and Swamp Water Gang.

Patricia Carmody
Illustrator Artist and Water-Colorist
Painter of the beautiful water color illustrations for the
I Can Do It! Piano Book
First Book of Favorite Songs

Involved in art from early childhood, Patty honed her skills at the University of Minnesota with a degree in Fine Arts, with a specialty in Printmaking and Drawing. She recently moved her art studio to California, where she works in the mediums of watercolor, acrylics and drawing. She also works as an Occupational Therapist. Patty has enjoyed playing the piano since her childhood, and it was the mutual love of piano and music that brought her and Christine together to collaborate on their first book.